come some up a music...

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

shepherds n sheeps... no dinos

back to school...
wow was fun to return back to campus on the 1st dae of the semester... entire campus was buzzing with pple... n i really mean lots of ppl... as compared to normal sch daes... not only were the canteens packed... the walkways n carparks were full of undergrads... nv know lots of ppl so guai to attend lectures todae heehee.
it was great to see old frens, classmates back in sch... the feeling was just "soong". every1 had smiles on their faces... mayb its the 1st dae bah... the stress level at their minimum... no piled up tutorials, date due assignments or unfinished projects to worry about... hmmm no wonder every1 seemed fresh n ready to battle hard for this incoming sem...
yup 1st dae of sch... definitely the time again for the start of each acad. yr to raise our antennas, set the range for our radars, synchronise our signals and start bio-ing the freshies... hahaha yesh... canteen A, the ideal bio-ing location for me n my "people watch" kakis... its was easy to differentiate these new birds with us the 3rd yr old birds... the 85 gals appeared lost as usual... just like sheeps seekin gentlemanly shepherds... that made some of them look kinda cute... however my kakis observed existance of many more "dinosaurs" walking amongst these lost sheeps as compared to previous yrs...  the 83 guys looked real funky with their coloured hair n youthful attitudes... hmmm mayb we old birds shld also invest on a new hairdo or will be classified as LKKs n be obsolete to the gals in no time...


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