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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

FYP - Find Your Partner Part 1

FYP incidentally also stands for Final Year Project...

Actually in the first place it does means Final Year Project. But FYP being used as an acronynm for Find Your Partner came from this electronics lecturer during my first year in NTU. Yah its most probably electronics or circuits lecture, guess only NTU's EEE lecturers do so frequently like to give crappy jokes in lectures.

Find Your Partner literarily means finding a boyfriend or girlfriend in the university. Actually this is really a good idea, since most of our time is spent in the sch, its definitely an opportunity to find your better half. Whats more most of the students are within our age group, no generation gap. Unless theres 师生恋, hmmm unlikely in NTU bah, Prof G perhaps? haha... somehow through our project discussions, i find her a "me wan diamonds" person, and i'm refering to big diamonds, haha perhaps perhaps.

Still vividly remember HK crapping before we entered university, saying that freshmen year is the year to get hitched, as we have comfortable timing to go "pak tor", play and still get through to 2nd year. And if you are not attached after year 1, then hey hey, goodbye, no chance anymore, as you see the school work load pile up and squeeze you of your life juices. Being out of the army jungle for 2 plus years, we nodded regliously at the golden rule: Get hitched while a freshmen.

Somehow things didn't turn out as what i hoped. Ya i joined orientation, hall activities, made friends, but still nobody to make 爱心早餐 for. Err maybe there was, but i was too "hiam" then perhaps. Guess freshmen was the only year i "biah" hard for studies. Sort of had this inspiration to be a "zai" engineer after i graduate. Nah, now turns out to be bullshit these days.

And then... the freshmen year blew past with books, year 2 with much more fun with the hall kakis...

The result: 敲着木鱼,等待 double bachelors.

Maybe the golden rule was true.

Double bachelors refers to graduating with the actual Bachelor in Engineering and being the real bachelor in life. GR even wished me of not becoming one during last christmas. Somehow the coming of the selection for FYP deems my actual fate realising soon.


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