come some up a music...

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Sometimes i wonder how come i like to go running.

What the "soong" feeling that brings means.

Maybe because i like the pain it brings, the suffering that gives the body, to yourself, you are so fed up abt urself, the things you do, the things that happens to you. You just want some pain, some self-inflicting pain, some punishment on yourself so that you can redeem yourself on the task u done, or to just have something to whack at, to relieve that build uped stress. Guess runnin is one good way to do just tat.

Quoting Lance Armstrong's words:

"Cycling is so hard, the suffering is so intense, that it's absolutely cleansing. The pain is so deep and strong that a curtain descends over your brain. . . . Once, someone asked me what pleasure I took in riding for so long. 'Pleasure?' I said. 'I don't understand the question.' I didn't do it for pleasure. I did it for pain."

Running for me sometimes could be like what cycling does to Lance.

I just like to go for endless run, hopeful of running to the end of the world unitl the body just gives up, beg for mercy, crying with sweat.

Sometimes after the run, the amazing thing is that all the bad things you give yourself just disappears, somehow you feel redeemed, somehow the run sort of consoles you. you feel great after the punishment you inflict upon yourself.

At least running is a healthy activity to inflict pain on oneself. Unlike smoking, drinking, or even drugs.

I so feel like running, this sux...


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