come some up a music...

Sunday, May 29, 2005

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

I could say i grew up with Star Wars, just like many people.

My elder brother is definitely a great fan. We grew up together playing with our Star Wars toys. Being much older than i am, he was quick to introduce me to the 'force', telling me the stories behind starwars, handling me story books, telling me the who the real dude behind the mask of Darth Vader, who was also the father of Luke Skywalker, until i was able to look up these stuff myself. I still remember we used to record the episodes of Star Wars that were broadcasted ever so frequently on tv with our VHS tape recorder. In order to view it as a movie without tv commercials at later times, we took turns to pause the recording on instances of commercials breaks and resume it at the end of each break. That could be the main reason why the vhs recorder broke down so many a times.

Watched Star Wars III on Wednesday, the conclusion to the 6 episodes chronology. I guess anyone being a fan who went to watch the show knew the plot and how the story would be. I insisted to S who was watchin it a 2nd time to not be a spoiler and tell me stuff and scenes in the movie i must not miss. S then said, "Hey pls lah, everybody knows the story wah. He became darth vader loh!"

I figure the thing about going to watch Star Wars is to have the "been there, done that" kinda feeling. Having been watching Starwars at young, having it been part of my childhood, to relive, to be able to pass on and tell my sons that, i've seen all of Starwars, how it has been a part of me, growing up.

Heh, as the movie started with the famous Star Wars lines of the foreword with the outer space background and the starwars theme music, i said to myself, "Yes, this is finally it, the conclusion..."

At the end of the show, i wanted to stand up and give my applause, but i "ham ji", because the lights in the theatre went back on pretty fast. I did not want to create a scene or have people shouting,

"Eh siao eh, sit down! I want to see who acted as Chewbacca!" at me.

It was definitely a very nice show for the fans to watch, especially the animated effects. To those who said the story or the plot sux, i must say you are not the real fan loh, cos all fans know how the story would be, it was the experience, the thrill, the visual image that we wanted to see, not the storyline, cos we knew it many "light years" back, unlike the ignorant you.

There were however cheesy encounters in the show:

1. Whats with number 66?
Darth Sidous ordered the Order 66 to rebel against the jedis. It was so oftened said during the scene of the rebellion. "Order 66, Order 66". Why 66? Cannot Order 8888 (more lucky mah), or Order 1314 (hey once in a life time leh, how often can they rebel the jedis one?), or Order 4444 (all your base are belong to us mah, all must die!). Enlighten me if i'm ignorant?

2. Lightsabres are for wayang
After all long fight using lightsabres between Obiwan and General Grievous (who incidentally was using 4 lightsabres), Obiwan only managed to kill General Grievous in the end with a few shots of a laser pistol.

3. Yoda likes Wookies
Before Yoda left the Chewbacca and his wookie friend for the Jedi Temple. The way Yoda said "Miss you, i will" to the two wookies, it sounded damn gay lor. I was lucky not to see couples kiss at the instance. yucks.

4. "Ahhhh, wa eh chiu, wa eh chiu..."
Jedis are trained to chopped off the hands only. So who's "chiu" (hand) got sliced by lightsabres. Luke by Darth Vader (this is the classic), Darth Vader himself in the last episode. Anakin again in 2nd episode by Dooku. Lord Dooku and Master Windu (his both hands somemore) in epsiode 3. I suggest to slice off the neck to end their lives once and for all, why wait? Thats why we could even hear the hokkien clip of the Classic duel between Luke and Vader online. Maybe it sounds better in the hokkien clip of the Classic duel between Luke and Vader online. "wa eh chiu" as compared to "wa eh tau". But then, no head how to talk?

5. 世有伯乐, 然后有千里马
伯 乐, someone who could identify someone with potential. 千里马, someone with potential. 世有伯乐, 然后有千里马, means to have people with potential, we must have have people to identify them in the beginning. Just like Anakin who has great potential but fail to be spotted by the right person to bring him to the correct path. This is ever so true in our real world. How people with potentials are missed used or who turn into felons. Anakin was the 悲剧人物 in the show, being sliced to pieces by his master, his wife leaving him, having to live behind a mask and be imprisioned in a robotic suit for life. So what if you have all the power in the world but no one to share it with you?

6. Over-engrossed fan
When Anakin asked after the killing of Master Windu, "What have i done? What have i done?". The guy beside me said loudly, "You've exchanged your soul with the devil, thats what you've done!" Wah, dumbstuck! I could have applauded and said "Well said, sir", but i didn't want to disturb the rest of the people watching the show with unnecessary comments. hur hur

Overall, it was still a good experience. After the show V said, "My eyes are still blur by the lightsabres effect".


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