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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Beginning of the End

When FOC (freshmen orientation camp) marks the start of the undergraduate years, Convocation deems its end. However this end, in another way also signifies the start of the new chapter in life as graduate, new paths await, and with dreams to fulfill. I always believe that these years of undergraduate studies are used to train the mind, to mould a person. I feel that it is not really how much you have learnt but how we are given a chance to develop our own way of learning, thinking and way of handling, solving situations. This is a time to explore the possibilities, to make mistakes, in order to gain experience and be used to aid us in our future chapters of life.

No its not my turn yet, one more year to go.

This week was scheduled for the Convocation of NTU Class of 2005. Hopefully in the next year, at the same time and place, I will be wearing that mortar board, donning that convo gown, holding the scroll, looking like an acclaimed professor. At least that is what my friend ensured I will look when I commented on his convo photos.

Yunnan Garden was flooded with MIB (Men In Blue convo gowns) as I left NTU on 179. So offen that I wondered why graduates like to wear their convo gowns and pose under the hot sun at Yunnan Garden.

Ok, maybe Yunnan Garden is more scenic than most places in campus. But, I also saw MIB posing with the Chinese Temple Heritage Centre in the background, in my opinion a less scenic and a more eerie part of the garden late in the night.

Maybe in another year when I am able to don that blue convo gown, I will finally realize the hype of taking photos in Yunnan Gardens under the blazing sun.

At least current graduates are able to have their convocation in campus, unlike my elder brother who was convo-ed at Kallang Theatre, if I did not remember wrongly. A convocation held at Nanyang Audit is definitely able to capture better memories of the many years spent in NTU.

Suggested places to capture memories rather than Yunnan Garden:

1. MLT, the aircon so nice, the seat so nice, the screen so nice…

2. Various LTs and Tutorial rooms. Take evidence of the spots where quiz answers were copied and then laugh: Ha! That’s how and where I got my honours!

3. Lee Wee Nam Library of course, so many countless hours at the computer terminals playing yahoo games and fighting for seats during exam periods. Have we ever paused and look at the statue before leaving the library?

4. iHUB, err maybe not, I do not really like the ah nei who take cares of that place.

5. Labs. The gazillion Pentium 4s, LCDs, equipment costing gazillion dollars were partly paid by our tuition fees. If you can’t take them, at least pose with them.

6. Never forget Canteen 3 Idol. Xie lerrrrr!

7. The fave people watch corners in Canteen A & B.

8. Hall sweet Hall. Pantry areas where late night suppers were held, washing machine area where sweet, cute, seldom out of room chio hostel babe is seen and initial conversations were made.

9. Range. Where sweat was left, where skins were burnt, where goals were strived, where comradeship were forged, where spirits were challenged.

Best wishes to all graduating friends! Your future is solely yours to choose.


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